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Last updated
The bcl nodes
command is used to access the Nodes service.
The following operations are supported within bcl nodes <OPERATION>
Operation | Description |
Creation of a node must be done through the Bloq Console. For the moment you are not allowed to use the CLI to spin a new node.
TIP: Once initialization of a node is complete, a node will require some time to catch-up to the latest blocks on the blockchain. A node is created using a recent snapshot of the blockchain and generally needs to catch-up for the last few hours of data. The duration to sync to the latest blockchain data will vary across blockchains. Upon completion of the sync, the node is ready for usage.
Viewing all blockchains supported by BloqNodes is accessed through the command: bcl nodes chains
. The user will be able to view the list of all chains that are offered by Bloq Nodes.
To retrieve information on a node, use the command: bcl nodes info
. The user will receive a prompt for the Node ID. Upon providing the Node ID, the CLI will provide detailed information on the node.
Viewing the list of active nodes is accessed through the command: bcl nodes list
The user will be able to view the list of nodes including the Node ID and the time the node was initialized.
To remove a node, use the command: bcl nodes remove
. The user will receive a prompt for the Node ID. Upon providing the Node ID, and confirmation for the removal of the node, the node will be removed.
Viewing all services offered by Bloq Nodes is accessed through the command: bcl nodes services
. The user will be able to view a comprehensive list of all types of nodes that can be accessed by the Bloq Nodes service. Specifications include the chain, region, performance tier, software version, and service id.
Get list of supported blockchains
Get information on a node
list (default)
Get list of nodes
Remove a node
Get list of Bloq Node services