
Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain, secured by ETH, that establishes a peer-to-peer network to verify smart contracts and allow participants to transact with each other without a single point of authority. Ethereum shifting to proof-of-stake will provide opportunities for you to secure the network and earn rewards.

As with most PoS networks, each validator will get rewarded with the transaction fees involved in the block they verify. Validators are required to stake exactly 32 ETH on the network to be eligible for selection.


Validator rewards serve as an intrinsic motivation system to encourage validators who propose blocks to maintain appropriate conduct. When a validator successfully presents a valid block that subsequently gains unanimous attestation from all other validators, they are granted a block reward.

The value of a block reward is composed of three sources:

  • Attestation / block proposal,

  • Transaction fees, and

  • MEV


Ethereum validators that make incorrect or missing attestations will receive penalties. In these cases, the penalties are commensurate with the rewards that would have been earned if the attestations had been submitted correctly. "Slashing" is a measure in the Ethereum network aimed at maintaining the integrity of the system by discouraging malicious or negligent behavior. It involves the removal, or slashing, of a portion of a validator's staked ETH when they act against the network's rules or fail to perform their duties correctly. A validator can be slashed by:

  • Proposing and signing two different blocks for the same slot,

  • Attesting to a block that "surrounds" another one, or

  • Attesting to two candidates for the same block (double voting).

Bloq covers instances of slashing to safeguard your stake, ensuring that you receive maximum rewards. Visit Stake ETH To start staking with BloqStake services.

Last updated

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